About Rotaract

Founded in 1968 by Rotary International, Rotaract Club is a worldwide non profit organization of service minded youths. Rotaract Club is a worldwide organization of young men and women between age group of 18 to 30 inclusive, who believe they can make a difference through community and international service projects. Rotaractors have been helping to improve the lives of the people around them. Today, there are about 6,918 Rotary sponsored Rotaract clubs with about 1,54,114 members in about 147 countries around the world. Rotaract clubs are committed to serve the community keeping the Rotary motto –“Service above self” and Rotaract motto “Self Development Through Fellowship and Service”.
Most Rotaract activities take place at the club level. Rotaract clubs hold formal meeting, usually every two weeks which features speeches, special ordering, social activities, discussions and visits to other clubs. Club members get together on designated weekends for service project work, social events or professional/ leadership development workshop. Every Rotaract club is a part of district Rotaract organization steered by the elected District Rotaract Representative.
Rotaract District Council, Nepal is the governing body for the Rotaract clubs in Nepal under R.I District 3292. The organizational structure of the council comprises of District Rotaract Representative as the head and District Secretary, directors and Zonal Rotaract Representatives. The Rotaract District Council, Nepal governs all 90+ Rotaract Clubs of Nepal and ensures the smooth functioning of the clubs and promotes co-operation and co-ordination between the clubs by organizing different activities like regional conference, regional projects, leadership training programs and talk programs on different topics.
There is also Interact club which consists of young people from 12 to 18 age-group. Such clubs are sponsored by Rotary club. They guide interacts in developing local and international projects. The term “interact” is derived from the phrase” International and Action”. There are more than 8600 interact clubs worldwide in 110 countries with almost 20,006 members. Interact provides a powerful force of youth enthusiasm and energetic service. Interact clubs helps youths make a difference by providing an opportunity to make new friends, contribute to community and develop leadership skills.
Purpose of Rotaract
The purpose of Rotaract is to provide an opportunity for the youth to enhance their knowledge and skills for an overall development. Rotaract provides platform for leadership development so that the youths can lead the communities in addressing its physical and social needs and promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.
1. Leadership development: Rotaract builds leaders. It organizes communication and public speaking seminars, talks on effective club administration, training programs etc.
2. Professional development: Career decisions are critical ones at early stage. Rotaract clubs help members through marketing, management, seminars, career planning programs, business technology updates and professional support from Rotarians.
3. Community service: Rotaract clubs carry out lots of community service projects such as voluntary tutoring in literacy programs, support drug abuse prevention program, offer job training to the unemployed, assistance at orphanages and day care centre and work on improving the environment.
4. International service: Rotaract clubs are also involved in developing international projects and work for raising money for international disaster relief programs. Rotaractors volunteer their professional skills in international development and assistance projects.
5. Social activities: Rotaractors are also involved in many social activities. They hold barbecues, car rallies, camping trips, inter club visits etc. Sometimes, those activities are designed to raise money for a club project.

Why to Join Rotaract?

1.      Friendship
2.      Business Development
3.      Personal Growth and Development
4.      Leadership Development
5.      Citizenship in the community
6.      Continuing Education
7.      Fun
8.      Public Speaking Skill
9.      Assistance in the world
10.      Entertainment
11.      The development of social skills
12.      Family Program
13.      Vocational Skills
14.      The development of ethics
15.      Cultural Awareness
16.      Prestige
17.      Nice People
18.      The absence of an official creed
19.      The opportunity to serve

Rotaract Club Member’s Qualities and Duties

1. Age Group: 18-30 years

2. Qualification
a. Age
b. Should be interest in making friends
c. Should be willing to devote his personal time to the club
d. Should have something to offer to the club
e. Should be enthusiastic active in normal life

3. Duties
a. Pay all the dues promptly
b. Attend at least 60% of regular meeting of the club
c. Attend project meeting

4.  Right
a. Wear the Label pin, identity card, attend meeting of other clubs.
b. Voice opinion regarding any matter related to the club of the activites.
c. Inspect the financial account of the club, when presented as per the by-laws of the club.

5.  Moral Obligation
a. Attend meeting in time
b. Should not disturb the meeting by indulging in talks, comments.
c. Make the club aware of the knowledge you have about any activity that the club wishes to undertake.
d. Assist in pre and post program work.
e. Accept all members as friends.
f. Should share not protest a project just because it is not of his interest
g. Should share administration work willingly and fulfill it.
h. Should accept responsibilities that come along with the office or chair or post.
i. Should not blame any particular member for failure of any project
j. Participate positively in all the activities of the club
k. Should not use any club’s resource or property for business purpose
l. Should not indulge in any type if political activities in the club
m. Help and motivate fellow members.

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